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Gambling University in Australia

Gambling University in Australia

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Gambling is a complex social phenomenon, the dangers of which often involve the risk of becoming a pathological player. In 2010, approximately 115,000 Australians (0.6% of the population aged 18 and over) experienced problems of this type.5 As pointed out by the Australian Medical Association in its policy statement, The Health Costs of Gambling, “problem gambling is an issue that has grown in recent years, in part because many forms of gambling have become more accessible.” In the words of Shenae Hume, program manager of the Victorian Problem Gambling Foundation, the image of the smoker is comparable to that of the problem gambler: “Pathological gambling is a new and emerging public health threat, and we believe it will be ‘the tobacco of the 21st century’.”


Gambling in Australia is prevalent and socially accepted. It is a common recreational activity for adults and includes the playing of gaming machines, table games like poker and blackjack, betting on horse racing and sports, lotteries, scratchies and online gambling. Currently we are in the middle of an epidemic of problem gambling. It is a huge problem for a small percentage of the population rather than a small problem for the masses. Problem gambling can be devastating for individuals and families and has serious social costs. There is a lot of misunderstanding about problem gambling. The Gambling University has been created to help educate the community about the myths and facts that exist. 65% of Australians gamble.


Australia is today the country with the highest gambling rate in the world. This has negative consequences both at the individual and the collective level. Even if more and more initiatives dedicated to informing and educating the larger public about the dangers of gambling have been launched in the past two year, it seems that there are still not enough. On the other hand, this problem has appeared from the increasing number of gambling services across the country and the development of inventive and very aggressive advertising. The University of Gambling has been set up in response to the problem, aiming to teach people how to understand the game and why it is bad idea to rely on betting, by offering them theoretical and practical materials on different subjects. Furthermore, evaluations will be realised to see on changes have been made, how successful the students are at the end of these courses and what kinds of resources will be needed to do so.

Degree Programs

Bachelor’s degrees are offered in a range of areas. For example, students could earn a bachelor’s degree in International Hotel and Resort Management with a specialization in Gaming, a Bachelor of Commerce focused on Hospitality Management Las Vegas. The ICMS, located in Sydney, New South Wales, offers two different types of degree program. They are offering a diploma and a full degree based on an International student basis. The SGA also works with schools that are not degree schools to educationally train students. Master’s Degrees are offered as well at various schools. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas provides a course called Masters of Hospitality in their Hotel Administration major. Another option would be William F Harrah College of Hotel Administration. They offer both a Master of Science and a Master of Hospitality Administration. In Australia, Southern Cross University offers a degree in International Tourism and Hotel Management. 

Bachelor’s Degrees

Some of the bachelor level degrees that could help in securing jobs in the casino would include •Bachelor of Commerce in Tourism and Hospitality Management, and •Bachelor of Business in Convention and Event Management. These degrees could offer 3 years of education with some elective units dedicated to gaming, and therefore could offer a source for the casinos not only for operational job requirement but also for managerial job requirements.

Master’s Degrees

The postgraduate level degrees in Gambling University of Australia are impressive and prestigious. Most students interested in obtaining a master’s degree do so with the intention of eventually earning a doctoral degree and pursuing a career in academia. It is important and fortunate that major universities in Australia now offer a long list of areas and focuses for postgraduate students to be able to earn a master’s. Examples include: Master of Casino Management, Master of Laws in Global Legal Studies with a certificate in Gaming Law, and Master of Hospitality Management.

 Research Areas

On a broader scope, the “Gambling University in Australia” elucidates on certain pivotal areas of this domain. It investigates the various research areas in the realm of gambling studies functioning in Australia. This involves providing a deeper insight into problem gambling, dependence identification and countermeasures, the regulatory structures of Australia surrounding gambling, and pivotal industrial trends that are expected to adapt and reshape the Australian gambling industry in the forthcoming years. For example like

Gambling Addiction

Those who struggle with problem gambling or excessive gambling might be looking for a variety of means to deal with their addiction. There are numerous support groups and resources within Australia that are developed to assist issue bettors. Some Australian states have support system, such as the Victorian Responsible Betting Structure (VCGLR) which has a 24-hour totally free gaming helpline and likewise an online chat service, and also the Gaming Assist Helpline in New South Wales. A lot of these resources provide a mix of telephone guidance, face-to-face counselling, self-help resources and even web-based assistance. As well as these support group, there are also self-exclusion programs that issue casino players can access, where they can pre-emptively omit themselves from specific places or services. These self-exclusion plans are established to support issue casino players to help themselves without the requirement for specialist assistance. In 2003, Ending Up Being More Than Equine Play was started, in addition, as therapy options specifically for females that had betting problems. Two years later on, In 2004, Indigenous Casino player’s Assist programs were created.46 In 2006, the Gambling Aid Infoline (which supplies help in the type of emotional assistance, information, sources, and suggestions to those who experience a gambling dependency) was released.

Gambling Regulations

The governmental hold on casino gambling legislation is referred to as the Interactive Gambling Act. The federal act restricts the online content with specific rules and regulations. Only the government websites are available to the Australian users. If one wants to gamble using online gambling site, they have to go to the licensed venues. Australia’s state and territory governments are in charge of regulating and governing their gambling industry. Each of them has separate commissions and authorities which monitor and control the gambling laws. In Victoria, the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation is the regulating authority. In New South Wales, Liquor and Gaming New South Wales regulate and grant licences to the club, hotel and Casino Licences. All the states and territories are responsible for regulating the land-based gambling. It is noteworthy that each of them hold autonomous legislative authority. A state and a territory’s gaming authority can give a double origin to an authorised representative. Although, they have legislative power over different aspects like business plan variations and gambling product legislation. In Australia, gambling policy covers 3 forms of online gambling: sports betting, horse race betting and lotto betting. The government of Australia has legalised and regulated all these forms of online gambling.

The gambling industry of Australia is a swiftly growing one, with certain key changes having surfaced in the past years. These changes have prompted the need for research and analysis of the trends involved and how these manifest. These major changes include, the sale of state and territory government-owned corporate bookmakers to foreign private owners, and the introduction of a national sports lottery, both which have large implications for the gambling industry. Additionally, technological advancements and the subsequent fusion of gambling and gaming industries have created new trends and rapidly changing policy responses. These changes have also challenged concepts of a national market, necessitating that players and their actions be viewed on a global platform as opposed to a national one. This global market sees a variety of different laws and regulations that may affect the gambling industry in Australia, for example, the UK Gambling Act, the European Union E-Commerce Directive and the US Senate Bill on Unlawful Internet Gambling, to name a few.

Faculty and Staff

The professors are few in number but very reliable in giving out wisdom to the future gambling industry leaders. Our professors hold PhDs in related fields and have at least 15 years of experience. They are also active in consulting for gambling establishments or prevention centers. Dr. Linda Hancock–Dr. Hancock was a player herself and lost all of her savings due to a gambling addiction. She entered in GA and has been sober ever since. She uses her experiences and current background in behavioural research to create new strategies that will prevent potential and current gambling problems.


Diverse academic backgrounds and areas of expertise typify the university’s team of professors. While there is a Chief Professor of the Granite Group and a Professor of the Gender and Women’s Studies Department, there are also professors who have studied in Vaun, or St. Petersburg or those who have widely traveled across South Asian countries to understand its diverse socio-economic characteristics. This team of professors has researched and published in the field of gambling, including but not limited to, the global gambling industry, gambling addiction, the gendered experience of gambling, the social impact of gambling, gambling as a form of entertainment, and superstition and gambling. They are continually involved in the world of academia, spurred by their research interests of sociological study, cultural study, gender study, and socio-economic study in the world of gambling.

Research Fellows

Dr David Darkens (1983-2014) – previously Associate Professor in Applied Psychology at Perth University, Dr Darkens’ research and teaching interests focused on the social implications of gambling behaviours, and particularly the structural characteristics of poker machines and their effect on imagine patterns and social dislocations. His research has been published widely in Australia and internationally, and he actively assisted a range of health organizations, treatment facilities and academic institutions through steering committees, liaison work and research advisory positions. David committed suicide due to an extended battle with Bipolar II disorder at age thirty, and the foundation would like to acknowledge his work posthumously. Dr Darkens was a wonderful teacher of the Gambling Status of Australians and also of professional ethics, and his work continues to inspire the community in a range of local, State, interstate, and international projects.

Administrative Staff

Even the administrative staff at GU is exceptional. The administrative team is the backbone of the institution. Once enrolled, most of your queries and requests will be handled by the well-equipped staff members. The university has made it a point to keep hiring professional, experienced staff who can provide the students with world-class service.

Campus Facilities

Surrounded by a vast expanse of open lands, including woodlands and marshlands, the University of Hertfordshire’s gambling labs are situated at the north-west edge of the de Havilland campus. It’s only a short walk from the Student Union club and The Oval, offering snacks and refreshments throughout the day. Our facilities include a gaming lab and an interacting lab on our grounds.

Gambling Laboratories

Now, the main gambling laboratories are the Gaming Room which is equipped with 30 individual gaming machines and the Gaming Control Room, where students can explore different types and models of poker machines, understand how machines work and physical job roles related to premises. As poker machines and gaming technology gets more advanced, fabricators for these machines are in constant demand which is why strategies and ethics of gaming machine design is an important part of this course. As these two rooms are suited for practical lessons, you will find that classes purposefully bridge theory and practice. There are also seminars about gaming statistics and verifiable analysis tools within the Banking Room, where one could use those tools to practice and understand different statistics and data.

Library Resources

The Library Resources at the Gambling University in Australia are comprehensive and advanced. They reflect the fact that GU students are expected to complete high-level research. In keeping with that, the library subscribes to over 150 journals from around the world that focus on problem gambling. There is additional brilliant collection of problem gambling information available through their electronic databases, which carry journal articles and statistics. The library staff is incredibly helpful and knowledgeable, they can help you find difficult texts. In addition, the library catalog is available from any computer terminal on the campus, seen through any web browser. There is a photocopy machine for reference use, as well as a microfilm/microfiche reader. You can save files onto your USB drive, bring your laptop to access online or print documents from wireless printers.

Student Recreation Center

In addition to the extensive academic facilities, the gambling university campus also boasts of modern physical facilities such as a Student Recreation Center. Enjoy the great outdoors on campus and venture a few minutes southwest of the university to explore the Lush river Gorge and its many trails, wildlife, and stunning Arizona desert landscape. (Wednesdays, and Fridays, and 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays. The Rock Wall Fitness facility is open at the same time as the rest of the SRC with the last check-in being 30 minutes before the SRC closing time: 8 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, 6 p.m. Fridays, and 5 p.m. Saturdays).

Student Support Services

Supporting these students is the main goal of the university, and the necessary actions are in place to ensure it. One of the ways the university will help a student is by offering them academic advising. Academic advising exists to help students understand the course they are doing. It is also there to help them with issues they may be having in their course and if a tutor isn’t meeting their expectations. It helps to solve issues outside of the classroom. Here they can also send the student to a guidance officer if they have been identified as a gambler. The guidance officer speaks to the students offering mentoring or refer them to professionals regarding the issue. Next is career counselling. Many university students may become problem gamblers and therefore lose motivation to study. A career counsellor is available to discuss new opportunities with the student. The education department also lets us know when it is unhappy with the number of people studying a course we advertise. If this is the case they relay the information to us. It is in the university interests to keep numbers up yet will always make business decisions ethically and take gambling addiction seriously. Another support is the mental health services. Seek mental health service if you are affected by gambling or know someone else who is. The first step is to talk to your doctor. Secondary there are organisations that are there to help you for example the Australian gambling helpline. Depression & anxiety are common factors in gamblers & they are there to help.

Academic Advising

The academic advising system has been implemented to help the students to select an appropriate program and related courses in line with their personal and career goals. Academic advising also assists students to get over the problems met in their academic life by providing supportive measures and mediation mechanisms. The relationships among advisors and students are determined by acceptance, understanding, reliability, and involvement in the track of the lifetime experience between both parties. Academic advising sessions are held online. The scheduling and matches are created regarding the demand and ability of students.

Career Counseling

All students are encouraged to take advantage of Career Counseling Services to help them explore and clarify their career and education goals. Assistance is available in deciding on a major or career, exploring career avenues, and going on job interviews. A job board is also available to students and the university works to match employers with potential student employees and interns. This service is useful because students may feel a lot of pressure to enter the workforce and begin their careers immediately after graduation. Therefore, knowing where to turn to for guidance on CV writing, interviewing, and other career-related issues can be very beneficial.

Mental Health Services

The university aims to provide emotional support for all students. The stresses and strains of university life, combined with any pre-existing mental health conditions, can impact on a student’s ability to focus on their studies and feel comfortable in their environment. If you find yourself affected in this way, you may benefit from seeking help from any of the following services. The university’s Counselling Service provides a free and confidential service to all students to help you with any personal, emotional or mental health issues. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Team are also available to provide advice, direct support or just a listening ear. If you are a student at one of our metropolitan campuses, you may also be eligible for one-to-one support through the Mental Health Nurse. If you live near a university campus, you may be able to access specialised mental health support, although we urge students to explore all options. All staff offer a non-judgmental and supportive approach and aim to empower you to develop the skills and knowledge to help yourself. It is not uncommon for students to experience psychological difficulties, panic attacks or prolonged periods of stress, and it is the role of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Team to provide support, information on stress management and to proactively advise of such issues to enable you to complete the program you are studying. This will involve conducting routine ‘check-ins’ with you and with your family. They can also signpost you to off campus services. Finally, a range of self-help resources is available for staff and students to use within the Personal Library or to borrow.

Collaborative Research Projects

The University works in conjunction with industry contacts to identify and develop research projects that aim to evaluate and develop new tools and methods to enhance the responsible gambling sector. By funding these projects, industry partners can play a meaningful role in shaping the University’s research agenda and ensure that our commercially-licensed products have been independently evaluated against stringent criteria. Also, we have broad and deep experience in quantitative and qualitative research techniques that enable us to provide thorough and meaningful evaluations of existing and new tools, principles and products to ensure they meet the needs and expectations of the wider RA, state and industry stakeholders.

Internship Opportunities

Several of our courses offer internships. Given that we have wide variety of industry partners, it is common that our students are able to get internships in public and private organisations involved in the gambling industry of Australia. This includes: sporting organisations; regulatory agencies; gaming machine manufacturers; pubs, clubs and casinos; responsible gambling organizations and more. Internships can provide valuable experience for students and lead to future employment opportunities.

Guest Lectures and Workshops

The gambling industry is fast-paced, ever-changing, and presents many complex challenges for businesses. Many companies operating in the industry are very proactive and work with the University to share their experiences, knowledge, and challenges. Consultation with these organizations is an essential part of the curriculum and allows for the course to react to the latest and most up to date technologies and practices.

Professional guest lectures are delivered throughout the course by industry professionals. The lectures are a chance for students to learn about the latest research, technologies, and practices in the gambling sector from professionals working in the field. They also allow students the opportunity to network with potential future employers.

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The Educational landscape is changing dynamically. The new generation of students thus faces the daunting task to choose an institution that would guide them towards a lucrative career.

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