The 10 Most Recognized STEM Universities of 2019

Arkansas Tech University: A Place Embracing Inner Grit and Determination
Started in 1909, Arkansas Tech University started as a humble school enabling rural kids to gain a high school diploma and learn better agricultural practices. In 110 years since then, it has evolved into a dynamic center of higher learning

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology: A Dynamic Platform for both Foundational and Skill-Based Learning
According to the American Engineering Association, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) graduates earn 87 percent more than the average salary of a non-STEM graduate. The STEM fields harbor today and tomorrow’s most innovative, in-demand, and best-paying career positions. It

Kennesaw State University: A Leader in Innovative Teaching and Learning
Over the years, the demand for specific education has changed and is continuously changing. The companies and organizations that are offering jobs are now seeking candidates with both theoretical as well as practical knowledge. With such dynamic and industry-specific demand

STEM Education: The Occupational Dilemma for Women
Industries employing scientists, computer programmers, engineers, and medical professionals have historically been male-dominated. However, research shows that when women are given equal opportunities and training in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, they thrive just as much if not

STEM: A More Practical Approach towards Education
The educational system is one of the most talked-about topics nowadays. It is considered as a backbone to a society’s growth both financially and intellectually. Traditionally, the education system was very much efficient and hardly had any flaws in it.