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Highest IQ in the World

5 Prodigies With The Highest IQ in the World

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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have the highest IQ in the world? Do you often think about who the smartest people on Earth are and how they reached their exceptional IQ scores? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we will provide a brief overview of the IQ concept and explore the lives of the individuals with the highest IQs globally.

What is IQ?

Before delving into our list of individuals with the highest IQ in the world, let’s take a moment to refresh our understanding of IQ.

IQ, short for Intelligence Quotient, originated from the German phrase “Intelligenzquotient,” as coined by psychologist William Stern.

Furthermore, IQ functions as a gauge of an individual’s reasoning ability, evaluating their aptitude for applying logic and reasoning to tasks involving problem-solving and prediction.

IQ tests are crafted to evaluate an array of cognitive skills, encompassing:

Verbal reasoning
Nonverbal reasoning
Spatial reasoning
Working memory
Processing speed

IQ Tests and their importance

An IQ test evaluates an individual’s cognitive skills and generates a score to measure their potential and intellectual abilities, determining their position in the hierarchy of intelligence. As a result, it is widely used to assess intelligence. The person with the highest IQ in the world is often a subject of fascination, as their exceptional score surpasses all others.

IQ tests are typically scored on a scale of 100, with an average score of 100. Most people score between 85 and 115, but those with the highest IQ in the world often soar well beyond 130, indicating their exceptional giftedness. Scores below 70, on the other hand, indicate intellectual disability.

IQ Level Classification
130+ Very Superior
120-129 Superior
110-119 High average
90-109 Average
80-89 Below average
70-79 Borderline
69 and below Intellectual disability

Did you know that there are different types of IQ tests to determine IQ? They are as follows:-

Cognitive Assessment System: The Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) is designed to assess cognitive abilities and is applicable to individuals aged 5-17 years. Furthermore, scores are derived from four factors: Planning ability, Attention, Simultaneous processing, and Successive processing.

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children: Moving on, the KABC is an IQ test intended to evaluate the cognitive abilities of children and adolescents aged 3-18 years. An individual’s intelligence is scored based on Age, Raw score, Scaled score, Age percentile, and composite scores.

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Shifting focus to the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales, these are individually administered intelligence tests developed by Alfred Binet and Théodore Simon. They are employed for diagnosing developmental and intellectual issues in both children and adults. These tests can be administered to individuals within the age range of 2-85 years.

Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test: Next, let’s discuss the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT), which is designed to assess intelligence (cognitive capacity) in children and adolescents aged 5-17 years. Its aim is to measure general intelligence, memory, reasoning, and internal mediation.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: Transitioning to the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), this is an individually administered intelligence test created to measure cognitive ability in adults and older adolescents. It stands as the most widely used intelligence test for adults globally. Scoring is based on Verbal comprehension, Perceptual reasoning, Working memory, and Processing speed.

Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities: Finally, let’s explore the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities. This standardized test measures a broad spectrum of cognitive abilities in individuals aged 2 to 90+. The test comprises 18 subtests assessing various cognitive abilities, including General intellectual ability and broad and narrow cognitive abilities such as Auditory processing, Visual processing, Verbal comprehension, Fluid reasoning, Working memory, and Processing speed.

IQ tests can be done for a wide range of purposes which are as follows:-

Educational Purposes: These tests can benefit students who need support in learning or they can benefit students with extremely high intelligence for quick learning.

Jobs: IQ tests can serve the purpose of indirectly interrogating a client to see if he/she is fit for a certain role.

Research: IQ can be used to study the effects of different factors on intelligence, such as genetics, environment, and education.

Diagnosis: These tests can be used to diagnose intellectual disabilities and giftedness.

Below is a list of people who have the highest IQ in the world:-

1. Terence Tao

Terence Tao

IQ: 230
Born: July 17, 1985
Occupation: Australian Mathematician

Terence Tao, a highly regarded mathematician of both Australian and American heritage, currently serves as a Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is widely acknowledged as one of today’s leading mathematicians, and his intellect has earned him the unofficial title of “the highest IQ in the world,” also known as “The Mozart of mathematics.” British Fields Medalist Timothy Gowers has commended Tao for his extensive knowledge.

Tao, who was born in Australia to Chinese immigrant parents, demonstrated his mathematical talent at the remarkably young age of two when he delved into mathematical literature. At the age of seven, he was admitted to a gifted education program. Remarkably, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from Flinders University at the age of 16 and completed his Ph.D. in mathematics at Princeton University by the time he was 21. Tao’s research covers a wide range of mathematical fields, including harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, algebraic and arithmetic combinatorics, geometric combinatorics, probability theory, compressed sensing, and analytic number theory.

His exceptional contributions have earned him numerous prestigious awards, such as the Fields Medal, the MacArthur Fellowship, and the Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics. With a substantial portfolio of over 300 scientific publications, Tao is not only an outstanding researcher but also a highly effective communicator and educator, as evident in his popular science publications like “What is Mathematics?” and “The Man Who Loved Only Numbers.”

2. Marilyn Vos Savant


IQ: 228
Born: August 11th, 1946
Occupation: American Columnist

Marilyn Vos Savant is a renowned American columnist known for her exceptional IQ of 228. This achievement has earned her a place in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the individuals with the highest recorded IQ scores worldwide. Since 1986, she has authored the Sunday puzzle-solving column titled “Ask Marilyn” in Parade magazine.

Vos Savant attained an impressive IQ score of 228 at the age of ten when she took the Stanford-Binet IQ test, classifying her in the “genius” category. In 1968, she graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a degree in philosophy. Her column, “Ask Marilyn,” has been a consistent feature in Parade magazine since 1986. Notably, in 1990, her column played a significant role in increasing public awareness of the Monty Hall problem. Among her notable works are “The Marilyn vos Savant Brain Teaser Book” (1987) and “Ask Marilyn” (1993).

Furthermore, Vos Savant has made numerous television appearances, including appearances on shows such as “Jeopardy!” and “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.” She is a member of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Mensa Society. Additionally, she holds the distinction of being a fellow of the American Humanist Association.

3. K. Visalini

K-Visalini-IQ-225 Highest IQ in the World

IQ: 225
Born: 23 May 23, 2000
Occupation: Researcher

K. Visalini, one of the Indian prodigies with the highest IQ in the world,, stands among the top achievers in terms of IQ. Despite being born with ankyloglossia, she has earned 13 international certifications and set 5 world records. Currently, she engages in research spanning fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Brain-Computer Interface, Exoskeleton Technology, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, and Autonomous Navigation.

During her school years, her remarkable abilities earned her two promotions. At the young age of 15, she received honors from former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and Prime Minister Modi, and she addressed an audience of over 700 scientists at ISRO. Subsequently, she completed her B.Tech degree in three years with a GPA of 9.6/10 at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education.

At the age of 22, she represented India at the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting on Medicine/Physiology in Germany, as nominated by the Indian Government. Additionally, the Tamil Nadu State Government has included her biography in the 11th-grade English textbook for six consecutive academic years.

4. Kim Ung Yong


IQ: 210
Born: March 8, 1962
Occupation: Civil Engineer

Kim Ung-Yong, a celebrated figure from South Korea with a background in civil engineering, is renowned for holding the world’s highest-recorded IQ. As a child prodigy, he achieved an extraordinary IQ score exceeding 210 on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.

At the tender age of one, Kim had already memorized the entire Korean alphabet and had mastered 1000 Chinese characters from the ’Thousand Character Classic,’ a 6th-century Chinese poem. By the age of three, he demonstrated proficiency in solving calculus problems. Impressively, he authored a 247-page book in both English and German, which featured essays, calligraphy, and illustrations.

Kim’s remarkable IQ score of 210, achieved at the age of four on a test intended for seven-year-olds, earned him recognition in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s smartest individual. By age five, Kim could fluently converse in Korean, English, French, German, and Japanese. His exceptional intelligence led to his recruitment by NASA at the age of eight, where he made remarkable contributions over ten years.

5. Jacob Barnett


IQ: 170
Born: May 26 1998
Occupation: American Physicist

Jacob Barnett, a young American mathematician and physicist, garnered widespread recognition for his extraordinary accomplishments despite the early challenges associated with autism. From a young age, he displayed exceptional proficiency in mathematics and science.

At the age of just two, Jacob, possessing the highest IQ in the world, demonstrated the ability to solve 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzles and read textbooks in mathematics and physics typically reserved for college-level students. When he reached eight years old, he began enrolling in college-level courses at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and authored research papers in the fields of theoretical physics and astrophysics.

In 2012, Jacob delivered a TEDxTeen talk titled “Forget What You Think You Know,” wherein he shared his unique educational experiences and perspective. Subsequently, he gained admission to the esteemed Perimeter Scholars International program at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, renowned for its contributions to theoretical physics research.

In our quest to identify the highest IQ in the world, we’ve examined the lives of exceptional individuals with remarkable intellectual abilities. While IQ is a valuable measure of cognitive prowess, it’s important to remember that intelligence takes various forms. These exceptional minds have shown that with dedication and support, anyone can reach their full potential. The pursuit of knowledge and the celebration of diverse talents enrich our world, reminding us that the highest global IQ is just one aspect of human capability within our intricate tapestry.

Also Read: The Top 10 World’s Toughest exams to crack

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