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COVID Conversations: Setting House Rules With Roommates

COVID Conversations

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Living with roommates has the benefits of social connection and shared costs. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, the utmost important matter is SAFETY. It is actually possible to keep Safety when you’re living with a roommate in a very close rental house. Here’s how.

Tips For Setting COVID Conversations Guidelines With Roommates

1. Have a conversation

More people are worried about COVID-19 than actually express they are. Sometimes talking about it can be uncomfortable, but it’s essential. You need to open up discussions about the pandemic with your roommate.

2. Ask them how they’re doing

Remember, you have to open a conversation, not an argument. Show that you care about their needs and they’ll do the same for you. Once the chat warms up, it will feel more natural to share dialogues about setting some ground rules.

3. Establish other rules

Comfortably, set basic rules about things like cleaning, showering, and studying before setting boundaries regarding COVID safety. Who can come over? Which public places can you visit?

4. Be open to compromise

Work as a team! People successful at handling conflicts can meet each other’s interests. If you want the living situation to work out for both of you, you may need to compromise on a certain issue(s) even if it’s not your first choice.

5. State your non-negotiables

Finding a clean compromise can be difficult and that’s okay. If you don’t want to compromise on a certain rule, speak up, and stand your ground. And of course for the good, ask your roommate to share their non-negotiables.

6. Hear them out

Disagreeing on some rules is inevitable. Try to feel their excuses the way they do. The more you consider and desire to see things from their perspective, the more they can see things from your perspective.

7. Establish a protocol

Be proactive rather than retroactive if someone violates a rule. Agree on not to go to gatherings of more than three people. Agreeing to a protocol for when something does go wrong prevents confusion and awkward tension.

8. Be open to change

Discuss what’s working and what’s not. Be flexible to accept some changes in your rules. Sometimes it may depend on how your semester goes. Be flexible to the rules depending on how things go.

9. Consider a written contract

Written things clearly stay in mind. A written contract might work for you, so create a shared Google Doc or stick a printed copy somewhere visible. Eventually, written rules can feel more meaningful.

10. Be ready to walk away

At worst, you and your roommate’s values may differ too much. Then you need to consider finding a different living situation. Before doing that, try to compromise at first. If that doesn’t work, find a way to switch. But remember, not everyone can live with each other.

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