Nursing Insights, 2023
The healthcare industry has experienced significant changes in the last few decades, including ongoing advancements in health-related technology. Along with these changes, there has been increased recognition of the structural and social determinants of health and improved awareness of health inequities.

University of Virginia: Breaking Conventional Barriers in Higher Education
Higher education is considered the most vital step in formal education. Along with degree completion, it helps students achieve better career goals. For the overall development and upliftment of students, educational institutions play an important role as the bridge between

Dalia Sherif: Raising the Leadership Bar While modelling Servant Leadership
To be a successful educational leader, one utilizes a variety of characteristics and traits. The process of setting and attaining goals, for instance, is mostly driven by a clear vision and effective communications that exemplify clarity, conciseness, and courtesy Effective

Minnesota State University, Mankato: Cultivating young Minds for a Bright Future
Today, the value of reputed and quality higher education has increased more than ever. Quality higher education equips students with the key abilities required to flourish in the competitive industries and, in addition, provides a well-paid job at a reputable

The University of the Free State: Inspiring Excellence and Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Over the years, there has been a progressive change away from focusing primarily on academic and clinical abilities and toward a much more holistic strategy that equips health sciences graduates with competencies and skills that qualify them to provide the